If it’s good enough for Forbes magazine and Tonight Show host, why not dentistry?
Jimmy Fallon spends an occasional segment crafting thank you notes to everyone from Dolly Parton and Doritos to North Carolina and owls.
Though you might not have The Roots background music to inspire you, Forbes.com suggests using the extra 24 hours that Leap Day offers for a show of genuine appreciation:
“At your weekly standup meeting, give team members the assignment of each writing three cards of appreciation that week, and delivering them to friends and colleagues throughout the team, department, or even company. Spread the word on recognition so that everyone’s contributions can be appreciated….
Set aside some time to look through your calendar and designate a half-hour block every week to recognize someone’s great work. Research shows that employees most benefit from recognition if it’s delivered once every seven days. And once that meeting is in your calendar, you won’t ever be able to use the “I don’t have time!” excuse again.”
Even if we’re down to 10 hours, that’s still plenty of time to make it happen at your practice and in your personal life.
Read more ideas at : https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidsturt/2016/02/25/leap-day-dont-waste-your-extra-24-hours/#a0d5a746f46b