National Pet Dental Health Month ended yesterday, but Wesley’s Golden grin deserves an extension.

In agreement: 287,920 Facebook users who as of Saturday had shared Harborfront Hospital for Animals‘ post about the pup, according to a story at,

Veterinarian Jim Moore, (also Wesley’s pet grandparent) puts braces on about four dogs per year, but only to eliminate pain or increase function.

His daughter Molly Moore, who works at the Spring Lake, Michigan office where her dad specializes in veterinary dentistry, explained their philosophy to BuzzFeed:

“A lot of people don’t understand. They think we did this so he won’t get picked on in the playground, but there’s a serious medical reason.” Her dad adds, “We don’t place braces or any oral appliances in the mouth for aesthetics. We do this for pain or function.”

Though Wesley’s bite didn’t align at the treatment’s outset, his silvery smile is set for the necessary adjustments within the next few weeks.

See more too-cute-for-words images and read the full story at: