One of only 250 Oral Medicine specialists in the U.S, Dr. A. Ross Kerr is training the next generation of dentists to look for cancer. Today on the Benco Dental Driving Dentistry Forward podcast Dr. Kerr, a professor at NYU College of Dentistry, discusses answers six questions that can be helpful for dentists and their patients.
During Oral Cancer Awareness Month and every day, dental professionals seeking information about oral cancer can gain insight at this Driving Dentistry Forward podcast. To find out more, listen as podcast host Chuck Cohen interviews Dr. Kerr HERE.
What are 6 questions Oral Medicine Specialist Dr. A. Ross Kerr answers in this Driving Dentistry Forward podcast?
- Why has there been a spike in oropharynx cancer, and what can be done to bring those numbers down?
- What’s on the horizon in terms of early detection of oral cancer?
- Where can dentists receive advanced training on visual and tactile examination?
- How can dentists feel more comfortable with the topic of oral cancer and also empower their team members to do the same?
- What is an excellent resource for dentists on this topic?
- Which are the most common and most rare types of oral cancer?
Get to know Oral Medicine Specialist Dr. A. Ross Kerr
Dr. Kerr is Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Medicine, and the Director of Special Patient Care and Hospital Dentistry at at NYU College of Dentistry. Among his accomplishments:
- from McGill University, and a Master of Science in Dentistry and a Certificate in Oral Medicine from the University of Washington.
- General practice dental residency program at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
- Research, including aphthous stomatitis (canker sores) and oral cancer.
- Clinical practice focused on the dental management of medically complex patients and the diagnosis and treatment of patients with oral mucosal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and oral-facial pain.
Dental professionals seeking info about oral cancer can gain insight at this episode of the Driving Dentistry Forward podcast
To find out more, listen as Benco Dental podcast host Chuck Cohen interviews Oral Medicine Specialist Dr. A. Ross Kerr HERE.