National Health Professionals Week is slated for September 26- 30 and a Letter to the Editor published in yesterday’s Citizens Voice offers insight on dental assistant as a career option:
“According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the dental assisting job market is expected to increase by 18 percent through 2024. This is above average job growth, a reassuring statistic in an uncertain economy.”
One way to explore this career option, or to celebrate one program’s success: Visit Luzerne County Community College in Nanticoke, PA, where the college will celebrate its dental assisting program’s 40th anniversary Oct. 5 at the college’s Benco Dental Clinic at the Francis S. and Mary Gill Carrozza, R.N. Health Sciences Center.
The program will begin at 6 p.m. with a reception, which is free and open to all dental health professionals.
Following the reception, at 7 p.m. the course “OSHA and Infection Control” will be presented by Bridget Dorsey, RDH.
Two CEUs will be awarded at the conclusion of the program. Cost for the course is $35, which includes an OSHA manual.
For more information or to register to attend, call 570-740-0734 or visit