Spoiler alert: Details about my childhood tooth fairy will be revealed.

In my 20s, while helping prepare for a family holiday dinner, while securing a formal tablecloth from my mom’s bureau drawer, I stumbled across a collection of what appeared to be tiny fragments of discolored teeth.

Years prior I had solidified that a tooth fairy – or at least my tooth fairy – shared the same last name as me and owned my childhood home. What I didn’t realize was that after depositing currency under my pillow, my mom Gloria had saved a good portion of the baby teeth she retrieved.


Though not my baby teeth, a similar collection.

Finding her secret stash of tiny teeth prompted a sentimental moment, but it was easy to see why she hadn’t made a charm bracelet out of the rotted little corpses.

When a colleague at Benco Dental emailed me a blog tip about Tooth Fairy Designs®, a company that produces jewelry designed to create unique settings for specially processed baby teeth, it seemed worth sharing.

Tooth Fairy Design website explains: “In the United States and elsewhere, it is common for parents to save, at least for a while, the exfoliated baby teeth of their children as a keepsake of their childhood and development. The typical storage means is a small envelope, or decorative box. There are several disadvantages associated with dry storage of the exfoliated baby teeth… the small teeth will continue to dry out, and become more fragile and brittle with time… and of course, their natural geometry combined with bloodstains lacks the display appeal of photographs, gifts, letters, and other memorabilia.”

The problem solving Tooth Fairies patented processing steps to create jewelry and home accessory items from a child’s baby teeth.

“Once disinfected, cleaned and solidified, the tiny teeth show their amazing luster like little pearls.”


The Tooth Fairy’s Baby Tooth Bank™

If you’re like my mom and simply want to save the little chicklets for posterity, the possibilities are endless. Options range from The Toothfairy’s Baby Tooth Bank™  ($22.79, benco.com), which arrives in a silver gift box and provides a “special place to store baby teeth and tooth fairy money, plus record memorable dates.”

Or if a piece of wearable art that allows you to display these little gems-to-be appeals to you, Tooth Fairy Designs® offers options of earrings, pendants, charms and more, which range in price from $240 -$650+


“Boy Charm,” from Tooth Fairy Designs®, $240, plus tax.

Learn more at: https://toothfairydesigns.com/fashion