“Does it really matter if I floss?” ranks up there with “How much can one soda a day really hurt me?” and “Is choosing a doughnut for breakfast each day really going to tip the scale?” in terms of questions to ponder.

While the answers to these burning queries probably won’t impact the world at large (unless you’re actually the person who is researching a cure for cancer or brokering peace agreements for the United Nations) they will most certainly affect you.

No bones about it, though, the answers to all three: Yes, Quite a bit, and Yes, will certainly make a difference to your personal life and health. Here’s the skinny:

  •   FLOSSING ONCE A DAY? WHY NOT TWICE? WomansDay.com gets to the root of the question in their  July 21 feature Here’s How Bad it Really is to Never Floss :

For starters, just going a couple of days without doing it will cause plaque build-up. Over time, that plaque hardens into tartar, which can only be removed at the dentist. If you think brushing your teeth and rinsing will get rid of all the plaque before it turns into tartar, here’s the cold hard truth: it doesn’t. According to Dr. Timothy Chase, a cosmetic dentist and practicing partner at SmilesNY, the brushing/mouthwash combo is only doing half the job.

“The bacteria that cause cavities and gum infection hide in the area between teeth and in the pockets under the gums—the only way to get them out is with dental floss,” he says. “Never flossing will eventually lead to cavities between the teeth and gum disease in most people.”

Still not convinced? Reporter  figured you might not be, so she also spoke with an expert at Columbia University College of Dentistry who shared the serious side of gum disease, another possible result of forgetting to floss.  Tooth loss, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes – all have links to gum disease.
Read the full story at: https://www.womansday.com/health-fitness/wellness/a55726/dental-floss/

  • TINY BUBBLES, BIG EFFECTS. Regarding  negative effects of soda on the body, the evidence gathered from increased research speaks volumes. According to MedicalDaily.com, “Your health will drastically improve once you begin replacing your daily Coke or Mountain Dew with water. Pretty much every organ will benefit from quitting soda.”
    The report discusses a 2012 Harvard University study that found participants who drank the most soda were 20 percent more likely to have a heart attack.
    Not convinced? Another study found “that long-term consumption of sugar could lead to impaired learning, memory, and behavioral plasticity.”
    Soda’s corrosive effects in your mouth, according to results of a 2013 study, are enough to make your teeth chatter: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23454320
    Bladder, bones, kidney, reproductive organs – all face serious risk from drinking the carbonated sugar. Read the details at: https://www.medicaldaily.com/bye-bye-sugary-drinks-what-happens-your-body-when-you-stop-drinking-soda-326034

  • DO NOT DOUGHNUT DAILY. I REPEAT: DO NOT DOUGHNUT DAILY. Everybody loves Munchkins® now and then or a Krispy Kreme Original Glazed®. As a treat now and then, sure. But Livestrong.com talks about the realities of weight gain from just one daily doughnut:

    “Even a single doughnut a day can lead to significant weight gain over time. A Krispy Kreme raspberry-filled jam doughnut contains 300 calories, while a chocolate iced doughnut contains 350 calories. According to website Family Doctor, 3,500 calories equal one pound. If you add a doughnut a day to your regular diet and don’t exercise the calories off or cut down on calories elsewhere, you will gain about one extra pound every 10 days.”

    Need further facts: https://www.livestrong.com/article/471877-health-effects-of-doughnuts/

If this MolarMuse killed your Friday buzz, apologies all around. But your smile and health are worth it.