By Lisa Philp, RDH / President, Transitions Group North America                                 

Start the day right!

The most productive 12-15 minutes of every day in the dental practice is the team stand up daily huddle to proactively approach the day.

The basic rules of engagement are that all team members attend before their working day/shift, start on time, end on time and members arrive fully prepared to share their win (success) from the previous day, the day’s focus, patients, procedures, collections and outstanding dentistry.

If needed, any issue or obstacle that blocks momentum is addressed. Overall, this system has a proven track record of creating a top line increase of 8- 10%, with minimal changes involved, when teams commit to this practice.

Daily stress is inevitable. When you make the effort to prepare, focus and follow through with actions, you can turn the dangerous “red” (stop) stress into productive and healthy “green” (go!) stress.

Lisa Philp, RDH is the President of Transitions Group North America, 1-800 345-5157