By Lisa Philp, RDH, President of Transitions Group North America

Lisa Philp, RDH, President of Transitions Group North America

Lisa Philp, RDH, President of Transitions Group North America

Outdated and inefficient systems and strategy will not move the practice forward and will degrade the growth output.  Below are simple and quick ways to impact increase in production. Let’s begin with fees,  followed by attention to outstanding dentistry and reactivating existing patients who have fallen through the cracks.

  • Increase FEES

Increase the most common 20 codes and fees billed in the practice and increase by at least 3-5%.  The impact will be instant the date they are raised.  It is important to involve the dental team in the fee increase, as they are the ones who will be justifying, explaining and showing value.

Analyze and research how your fees match up to the fee guide or  the national percentile guide (USA) to gauge where you sit nationally, then analyze your fees and measure against your local competition based on area code and/or zip code and stay competitive.

  • Daily attention to OUTSTANDING DENTISTRY

The dentistry in the charts not accepted from patients of record is a goldmine of opportunity to address on a daily basis with the goal on one more YES. The process involves each provider reviewing his or her charts the day before and highlighting all the patients by name that have previously planned treatment NOT accepted or are in need of possible new dentistry.

The hygiene department makes sure to address the outstanding dentistry in the appointment and have prepared the dentist, with both prompting and providing visible photos on the screen of the intraoral camera.

  •  EXIT all patients with over $1000.00 in treatment to consult room

This will give patient the privacy to ask questions about the treatment plan in lay terms and connect the treatment solutions to their own goals. It gives them a chance to take their time with finding flexible ways to pay, maximize benefits, if any, and take advantage of creative scheduling to fit it into their schedule.

The Clinical team doesn’t ever offer and estimate or give Pre-determinations. Instead they leave that to the administrative team to determine and close every appointment with a “Clinical Closure Question” before they transfer from the clinic:

“What other clinical or technical questions can I answer for you before the business office supports you with investment/insurance and scheduling?”