Invented by John Gallagher Jr., a former Army medic, and Roman Bielski, PhD, an adjunct professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Wilkes University, the Clean Bite edible toothbrush was conceptualized by Gallagher after he cared for amputee patients during his Army service during the Vietnam war. He saw it as “an alternative to brushing that didn’t require water, a toothbrush, or toothpaste,” according to
Dent-Chew Brush has developed the dissolvable, single-use oral appliance. Potential markets range from at-risk schoolchildren and travelers to the military and developing countries, according to the firm.
After 60 to 90 seconds of use, Clean Bite’s patented double mouthpiece – made from edible materials – dissolves and can be ingested or disposed.
Read about its history, hidden benefits, and price points in the full story on the company’s website.
Learn more about what makes a quality toothpaste and how to evaluate your purchases when shopping from direct-to-consumer companies in a guest blog from Joy Poskozim, DDS, PC on the Daily Floss.