Prior to the 1980s, female dentists were not a large segment of the dental workforce; fewer than 3 percent of all dentists in 1980 were female. Dental enrollment trends indicate that female participation should increase to some 30 percent of the dental workforce in 2020.
These trends in dental education are brought to you by Eric S. Solomon, DDS, MA, via the first in a series of articles featured in, “The Future of Dentistry.”
Fitting that Dr. Solomon will speak to that rapidly rising segment of the dental population tomorrow at the Lucy Hobbs Project Annual Celebration Honoring Exemplary Women in the Dental Community, to be held at the Omni Championsgate in Orlando, Fla., June 6. The annual event, named for the woman who, in 1866, became the first American female to earn a degree in dentistry, will recognize and award industry professionals whose achievements mirror those established by Lucy Hobbs.
Powered by Benco Dental, The Lucy Hobbs Project is a national, long-term program based on three pillars – networking, innovating and giving back.
To learn more, visit The Lucy Hobbs Project website at: