Dental Infection Control Awareness Month #DICAM19 is an annual, month-long campaign in September that shares the latest Center for Disease Control CDC information. Its aim: to build patient trust by sharing the stories of how dental teams practice patient safety.

The dental profession is taking impressive measure to keep patients safe. Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention has created a toolkit at to encourage dental practices to “Take Safety Viral!” and help promote patient safety and awareness

“Each week, we will be showcasing one specific element of dental infection control. We encourage you to participate, even if your focus is on a different aspect of dental infection control than what our weekly theme is.”

Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention

Their suggested schedule for the month of September is as follows:

Week one (09/01 – 09/07): Hand Hygiene

Week two (09/08 – 09/14): Dental Unit Waterlines

Week three (09/15 – 09/21): Personal Protective Equipment

Week four (09/22 – 09/30): Instrument Sterilization

Visit for resources:

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