Dr. Rajiv Saini recently published his fourth book titled Dental Plaque: A Biofilm . The book is co-authored with Professor of Oral Biology from Indonesia, Regina TC. Tandelilin.

“The book concisely focuses on organization process of dental plaque formation with the dynamics of microbiological complexes,” said Dr. Rajiv Saini, who in 2018 earned  a Silver Edison Award for Periogen.

Dr. Rajiv Saini holds many clinical and research positions across the globe through his vast academic career. He is currently working as Visiting professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Bari ALDO MORO, Italy. He is also on the scientific board and Research position in various research centre. He formerly worked as Associate Professor, Periodontology & Oral Implantology Department, India.

Earlier this year, Dr. Saini earned a 2018 Silver Edison Award for his innovation, Periogen, a gingivitis oral rinse treatment that removes plaque and tartar from teeth at home.


Incisal Edge Editor Terry Barrett and Art Director Loriah Webby congratulate Dr. Rajiv Saini, 2018 Silver Edison Award for Periogen.

Author, editor, periodontology expert

He has published more than 140 research articles in numerous scientific peer-reviewed journals of repute. He is an author and editor of four books: Dental Horizons: Essentials of oral health, Hospital Infection Control: Clinical Guidelines, Fundamentals of Clinical Trial and Research and Dental Plaque: A Biofilm.

Nominated and considered as Fellow of International College of Dentists (ICD). Fellowship to ICD by invitation only for the dentist of extreme reputation and academic excellence. He is also holding extraordinary abilities for research accomplishments with patents, copyrights across the globe.

Dr. Saini’s  field of expertise is periodontology and his research interests include Oral Hygiene, Oral-Systemic Linkage, Plaque Maturation-Biofilm, Infection Control, Inflammatory-Immune Response, Peri-Implantitis, Oral Cancer and Public Health Practice.

Five things you should know about the author

  • He earned a 2018 Silver Edison Award for his innovation, Periogen, a gingivitis oral rinse treatment that removes plaque and tartar from teeth at home.
  • He has completed research studies and currently involved in multiple
    Edison Winnerr_Periogen_ Dr Rajiv Picture

    Dr. Rajiv Saini

    investigational research activities.

  • He has attended several scientific conferences, presented his research work and awarded with various International, National and Institutional awards.
  • He currently holds the position of Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Experimental Dental Science and Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
  •  He is invited frequently as a guest speaker to International and National academic forums.