Since the hubbub of the first day of kindergarten this past August, GiGi (shown above) has been longing for a Tooth Fairy visit. One problem: no loose teeth.
Classmates, dance class comrades, and library night BFFs have one by one made contact with the whimsical winged one.
Anticipation ramped up just before the new year when on a holiday slumber party, GiGi’s cousin Phaedra, shown above, lost a tooth with ease during the bedtime brush routine.
In February, six-year-old GiGi delivered heartfelt Valentines: tiny tooth saver necklaces (find yours at, handmade tooth-shaped iced cookies (below) packaged with the message “It’s the ‘tooth’: you’re awesome.”
Still not a wobbly incisor in sight.
At the ready, a Tooth-Fairy inspired-winged pillow and a carved wooden molar box — both complete with pockets for primary teeth.
Monday during a dental checkup, a hygienist sympathetic to GiGi’s plight clarified that she should be on the lookout for “six–year molars”, and that one day soon she will join the ranks of the toothless youth.
With that rite of passage will arrive proof: a reward left in the night from the Tooth Fairy in exchange for patience, unwavering belief and a tiny tooth.
Until then, she’ll have to celebrate #nationaltoothfairyday with anticipation in her heart.