An event taking place October 29 in New York City offers five CE credits and the next generation of Zolid DNA Generation.

Amann Girrbach and Benco Dental present TOUCHDOWN NEW YORK, at the Innovation Loft, 151 W 30th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA.

The program includes:

  • #OutOfThisWorld – next Generation, Zolid DNA Generation by Georg Eickhoff and Matt Alles
  • Zirconia 2.0 (1 CE Credit Scientific), the current state of the art in dental zirconia by Christian Ermer
  • Zirconia Jungle – Demystified (1 CE Credit Prof. Devel.), Zolid DNA Generation by Georg Eickhoff and Christian Ermer
  • DNA Portfolio (1 CE Credit Scientific), New Hardware, Software and Material at a glance by Christian Ermer
  • The DNA Generation of Zirconia (1 CE Credit Scientific) by Lucas Lammott, CDT and Dr. M. Cone
  • Efficient but Esthetic Zirconia Workflows (1 CE Credit Scientific) by Alexander Wuensche, CDT

Tickets are limited. Register today at: