Dr. Peter Dana
Dr. Peter Dana of Watertown Dental in Massachusetts has seen many changes since he first became a dentist over 35 years ago.
For one thing, says Dr. Dana, who runs the thriving family practice along with his wife, Dr. Virginia S. Teiber, there have been amazing technological advances that allow for more effective yet less invasive dental procedures. There has also been a massive shift toward digital information, and a rise in industry regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
The general and cosmetic dentist shares his thoughts:
“Backing up your data in a safe, HIPAA-controlled environment is crucial,” Dr.
Dana said. “That’s one of the reasons why I went to Carbonite.”
Dr. Dana also chose Carbonite in November, 2013 because it backs up his important patient files automatically in the background, without him having to give it much thought.
With Carbonite, the dentist is free to focus on what he does best: improving
people’s smiles.
“Everything is digitized today – the records, the X-Rays – and I don’t want to
have to worry about backup,” he said. “I want a no-brainer.”
Carbonite is among services offered by BencoNET, which offers reliable, dental-specific networks reinforced by a comprehensive backup service, experienced service techs and strategic vendor partners. Learn more about Carbonite, and the BencoNET difference: https://www.benco.com/technology-and-equipment/technology/