Now make your reservation for the OCO Biomedical Third Annual International Dental Implant Symposium.

The result: From Friday, July 22, through Saturday, July 23 at the Sandia Resort and Casino, 30 Rainbow Road NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, you will literally find yourself learning and working in paradise.

Also, on Thursday, July 21, three, simultaneously run, AGD-Pace accredited courses will be offered. Participants will earn seven (7) CEUs. Featured topics and instructors are:

  • Integrating Implants into the Expanded Services Dental Practice – Dr. Mark Iacobelli
  • Utilizing the Provance System for Maximum Esthetics in Your Implant Cases – Dr. Thomas Bilski
  • Cone Beam CT Interpretation: An Interactive Workshop –Dr. VJ Parashar.

States David D. Dalise, DDS, OCO Biomedical Founder, “At our 2016 Symposium, participants will have the rare opportunity to interact and gain a lifetime of implant knowledge from many of the dental industry’s leading opinion leaders and clinical educators. Not so long ago, options for treatment were limited and did not often include the choice of using implants. Today, it’s a whole different story.  This year’s event provides the latest information needed by practitioners of all skill levels to enhance patient care and build profitable practices.”

2016 OCO Biomedical Symposium Program Highlights:

  • Accelerated Academic Advantage: Participants Can Gain 21 CEUs in Three Days Symposium attendees will earn fourteen (14) CEU credits over the two-day main event. If they elect to participate in one of three pre-Symposium courses offered on Thursday, July 21, they will earn an additional seven (7) CEUs.
  • Back by Popular Demand: Keynote Speaker, Howard Farran, DDS, @HowardFarran
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    Dr. Howard Farran (at right on the cover of Incisal Edge dental lifestyle magazine) will serve as OCO Keynote Speaker, presenting “The 1.5 Hour MBA.” Dr. Farran is an internationally-acclaimed spokesman and founder of Dentaltown.

    who will present “The 1.5 Hour MBA.” Farran, internationally-acclaimed spokesman and founder of Dentaltown, will entertain the crowd with his engaging, dynamic presentational style.

  • Hot Topics in Implant Dentistry: Presentations and pre-symposium hands-on workshops will cover the most advanced and innovative methods of implant dentistry, restorative dentistry, sinus elevation, bone-grafting.  Participants will learn business management and marketing skills that can be successfully integrated to profitably build and enhance their dental practices.
  • Exhibits: Throughout the Symposium schedule, industry-leading companies, including A. Titan Instruments, Benco Dental, Dani Dental Studio, Osstell, Dental USA, Progressive Dental, Salvin Dental Specialties, 3ddX and Vatech USA, will showcase the latest developments in products and technology.
  • Networking: Participants, from novice to experienced, will learn immediate, practical, profitable skills in the most advanced methods of implant dentistry. The stimulating, collegial educational environment will offer numerous opportunities for networking with industry-leading professionals.
  • Entertainment: “Groovy, Funky Friday Night Live” – OCO will host a 1970’s-themed party on Friday, July 22; a photo booth will be onsite to capture the evening festivities.
OCO Biomedical Dalise and Schlesinger

David D. Dalise, DDS, OCO Founder and CEO (left); Charles Schlesinger, DDS, OCO Chief Operating Officer/ Director of Clinical Affairs (right.) (PRNewsFoto/OCO Biomedical)

“Our 40th Anniversary program is gaining momentum. It’s exciting and challenging to be a part of a company that has contributed so much to implant dentistry through the years.  At OCO, we create products designed and tested by dentists for dentists, with the objective of improving patient care and building practice performance. The future looks bright, and there are certainly many reasons to celebrate in 2016,” states Charles Schlesinger, DDS, and OCO Biomedical Chief Operating Officer and Director of Clinical Affairs.

For registration and information, call OCO Biomedical at 1-800-228-0477;