Lisa Philp was interviewed at the Los Angeles “Moving America Forward” new studio by William Shatner and Doug Llewelyn.
For the past 20 years, Philp’s company has offered its dentistry clients the tools, education, workshops and coaching solutions to enhance their practice, from dental school to retirement. Overall, the Transitions Group’s mission is to provide support to dental practices through expertise consulting and coaching in America and Canada.
Philp acknowledges the challenges of dentistry in today’s economy alongside the advents of new technology. As Philp explains in her interview, dental education is primarily focused on cognitive and technical aspects, rather than administrative or entrepreneurial skills. As a CVO, Philp has made it her duty to teach dental practices how to lead their employees and business. Considering the low rate of Americans who visit the dentist regularly (62%) and how important oral health is to overall human health, Philp feels most strongly about offering consultation to dentists. As a client of Transitions Group, dental practices receive comprehensive practice assessments, signature coaching, and a series of training modules for optimal growth.
Aside from assisting practices and hosting seminars, Philp is a philanthropist and considerable advocate for dental care. She initiated Canada’s Tooth Fairy program, along with the support of the Dental Industry Association of Canada. This program is an educator of the importance of oral health, preventer of disease, and protector of children’s health. Philp also spends her time with female dentists speaking about balancing work and a healthy lifestyle. She has presented at the Benco Dental’s Lucy Hobbs project event, which supports women in dentistry, as well as presented at the Pacific Dental Conference. Finally, she is launching a book at the end of 2016 on the top 100 communication tools for a successful business.
Below is a preview of Philp on “Moving America Forward.” Click to watch her discuss how she teaches those gifted at dentistry how to become entrepreneurs.
Philp was honored with the “Moving America developing a small business company that works to help other small businesses become successful. For more information, visit