Dental Trade Alliance members from across the country attended the annual Washington Conference April 26-27, and according to Gary Price, DTA President and CEO, they were able to meet with 33 U.S. Senators and Representatives from their home districts. On their docket: Americans’ oral health, the business case for oral health and continuing efforts to repeal the Sunshine Act and Medical Device Tax.

In an update to DTA members today, Price had this to say:

“The meetings went very well and in addition to helping to build allies for oral health on Capitol Hill, members were briefed on a new bill introduced by Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) that amends Title XI of the Social Security Act to exempt from manufacturer transparency reporting any transfer of value to a covered recipient if it is intended solely to provide continuing medical education. If it passes, this bill could have a positive impact for our members in their educational efforts.

In addition, the Medicaid MCO final rule was released and it requires states to establish network adequacy for health professionals, including dentists.”

Read a full account of the Washington Conference at:

Learn how the DTA’s newest campaign: Business Case for Oral Health aims to share the message among government, business and the American people, that regular dental care not only makes health sense, it makes good business sense.