The traditional gift for a second anniversary is cotton, so to celebrate two years of blogging for as MolarMuse, my boss made the great T-shirt, shown, for me. OK, she created a digital version, but it’s the thought that counts. (Note, that’s not me pictured; I can proudly say I’ve never sported a mullet.)

blog t shirt .jpg

Feeling nostalgic about our first blogs in 2013, which featured dental-inspired gifts, I’m reposting a few that stood the test of time, and adding new options.

  • DIY bracelets: In the video above, Kat from Katrinaosity creates 80s-style acrylic cuffs,  with the help of some beautiful toothbrushes and boiling water. Cost-effective and colorful. (Shoutout to blog brainstormer — and Benco Video Production Coordinator Eric Larsen for the suggestion.)
  • Floss sign for bathroom: $27+ on
  • Toothbrush patent poster: $6.99+ on
  • Woman’s watch: $44.95+ on
  • Denture jewelry:
  • Tooth-shaped ice cubes trays:
  • Business card holders, bowties and more:

Remember, the best present you can give yourself is practicing good oral health habits.
And, as an anniversary surprise for this MolarMuse, simply tell a friend to floss daily: Follow us @The_Daily_Floss or sign up for email updates at

Happy shopping, and flossing!