Looking for a moment where virtual reality meets dentistry?


Benco Dental Marketing Communications Manager reports on product launches at the GNYDM in NYC.

Benco Dental Marketing Communications Manager Rachel Pugh shared that moment in her description of a product launch during the Greater New York Dental Meeting: Oculus Rift Design Initiative.


“This software will virtually walk a dentist through her or his newly designed office before construction begins. A gaming style controller allows the user to walk forward and open doors,” said Rachel Pugh.  

You wear goggles (shown) so if you look up, you literally look at the ceiling of your office. It was really cool…although this girl got terrible motion sickness from it,” she joked.

At Booth 5014, attendees are able to walk through the dental office of Dr. Jeff Suh in Scarsdale, NY via Oculus Rift glasses. A collaboration between Masserano REC and the folks at Game U created the experience, with the use of CAD and gaming software

The goal: helping clients to fully understand their practice designs before they are constructed.

For anyone not in attendance, John Masserano offers a peek:  Oculus Rift Design Initiative.