… at least according to my 3 1/2-year-old’s reaction to the dental diva’s latest video.
So enthralled with catching a glimpse of this fairy’s glittery goodness was my test audience of one that she abandoned her favorite new cartoon on our flat screen post haste.
No sooner had I clicked on @MIDentalAssoc Tweet entitled “Children’s Oral Health – Tooth Fairy” https://bit.ly/1IFFpst did our miniature blogger in training shift all her attention in the direction of my laptop screen.
GiGi not only watched spellbound for the entire :31, but looked up at me in wonder after the fairy shared the message that brushing “two minutes twice a day” will help anyone achieve teeth as sparkling white as Jack Frost’s chompers.
In less than a minute, the tiny winged wonder convinced my girl that her mama had been speaking the truth every morning and evening at our pink bathroom sink.
Thanks Ad Council and Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives, and you too, Tooth Fairy!