“We’re hanging a CEO by the ceiling.”

Jeff Gerber, Creative Director of the commercial, “Become an #OriginalStraumann,” described the intensity found on the set, prior to a stunt completed by the Straumann CEO.

In the video, Marco Gadola is suspended upside down from just four Straumann dental implants, which is used to demonstrate the performance of Straumann’s dental implant system. Gadola decided to do this commercial because he wanted to share his 100% confidence in the precision and reliability of the implant system with his customers. He wanted to show this not only through his words, but also his actions.

Four implants and abutments — each smaller than a matchstick — normally create a channel of connection between a crown (tooth replacement) and a dental patient’s jawbone. But it’s not often that a company leader goes to such extreme measures to present the value proposition of his product.

The commercial clip is the cornerstone of an awareness campaign to underline the importance of original Straumann prosthetic components for long-term implant treatment.

“Our ultimate goal at Straumann is to instill complete confidence – in our products, our services and our people,” said Gadola.