It’s no myth that people love having a few pints of Guinness on St. Patrick’s day.

It’s even rumored that some of these people may be inebriated after a few too many beers.

But if someone, somewhere, in a local bar gets drunk to the point that a fist fight breaks out it’s safe to say they might be making a trip to the dentist after they sober up the next day.

According to an article by, data provided to CNBC by Sikka Software showed that emergency visits to the dentist spike by 64 percent across the nation after March 17.

The information is based on the average number of dental visits on March 18 versus one full month average. Surprisingly, the states with the highest averages of dental visits aren’t the ones with the highest concentration of Irish decedents.

Sikka Software has tools implemented in over 10,000 dental practices across the country, so as result, it knows when, where and why someone visited the dentist on any given day.

In 2015, every state saw an increase in dental visits on March 18, with the exception of Vermont, whose residents apparently stay pretty calm on the feast of St. Patrick.

The group of states that led the pack in visits demonstrate no apparent links. Nonetheless, the state with the largest increase in 2015 was Delaware, where only 11.4 percent of residents are Irish. In contrast, 17 percent of Vermont’s population is Irish.

Sikkas data shows that March 18 is always one of the busiest days of the year for a dental practice.

Company founder Vijay Sikka says there is “absolutely” money to be made on this trend, and suggests a smart business practice for this week.

“We can see dentists offering a St. Patrick’s Day emergency appointments special.”

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