By Lisa Philp, RDH, President of Transitions Group North America 

Lisa Philp, RDH, CMC

Lisa Philp, RDH, CMC

The end of January is often the time when many people feel frustration that their New Year’s resolutions have already been kicked to the curb.  Therefore, now is the time to get creative with  igniting momentum for progress and growth for the upcoming year.

One of my favorite leader, management and team tools, taught to me by my entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan at Strategic Coach, is called “Moving Future” (

I used this tool with our team at Transitions Group and it was amazing to see how it caused them to think differently, express positive feelings about their accomplishments and instill confidence. This contributed to their action plans, based on their motivation and unique ability.

The Moving Future process involves a threestep process with the team and leaders.

 PAST-MORALE-PRIDE. Past reflection of pride that directly builds morale. The question to ask is “what achievement, accomplishments, WINS has made you the proudest over the past year?”

The feeling of Pride is very powerful with the daily, weekly celebration of our WINS.  Wins are defined as anything that caused us forward movement; mistakes we learned from or changes we noticed along the way.  Acknowledging WINS provides clarity about what we are proudest of and fuels our fire of energy to objectively assess the past year with —what worked well, what didn’t and confirmation of how to review, refine or change which leads us to have confidence.

PRESENT-MOMENTUM-CONFIDENCE. Present day reflection of confidence levels that drive momentum. That which is rewarded is repeated. The question to ask is “Which areas of focus and progress are giving you the most confidence today?

When confidence goes up, the momentum forward is consistent. Confidence grows with successful achievement and acknowledgment of progress.  Doing what we are most confident in allows us to re-energize, rejuvenate and plan what is next.

FUTURE –MOTIVATION-EXCITEMENT. Addresses future visualization and what members are excited about. The question to ask is “What new things in the future are causing you the most excitement?

Motivation is fuelled by excitement which clarifies what we “want”.  Passion is the “why” we do it. When we are excited about something, we become motivated and we focus on our strengths and talents which maximize energy as opposed to draining it.

What better time than now to make the effort and commitment to a fulfilling, balanced, predictable, leveraged, growing, prosperous 2015?