By Lisa Philp, RDH, President of Transitions Group North America

The first step to any ambitious dream is to start with the most simple step: writing goals. Start with a three-year forecast and work back­ward; two years, one year, monthly, weekly, daily.  A whole bunch of well-managed days makes for great weeks, which lead into satis­factory months, excellent years, and a goal-oriented, goal-satisfied lifetime.

Headshot of Lisa Philp, RDH, CMC, on a blue background.

Lisa Philp, RDH, CMC

1. Write the goal.

The first set of goals written may be rather vague and philosophical. This is a beautiful place to start writing goals, because you must certainly know who you are and where you are going before you can design a plan of action.

Setting clear and well-defined goals is the first step towards achieving success in any endeavor. When we begin to write our goals, they may initially appear vague and philosophical. This is not a setback; rather, it’s a crucial starting point. Writing down your goals forces you to contemplate who you are and where you want to go in life. It compels you to delve into your inner desires and aspirations, making them tangible.

Imagine you’re embarking on a road trip. Before you can plan your route, you must have a destination in mind. Similarly, setting goals is like choosing your destination in the journey of life. It’s about understanding your purpose, values, and dreams. Whether it’s a career goal, a personal aspiration, or an academic target, articulating your goal provides you with a compass, guiding you towards your desired future. It helps you gain clarity about what truly matters to you and sets the foundation for the actions you’ll take to turn your dreams into reality.

As you begin this process, remember that your goals can evolve and become more concrete over time. Writing them down is the first step in a transformative journey of self-discovery and achievement.

2. Design the objective plan. 

What are the objectives or strategies necessary for the accomplishment of the goal? In other words, what must you do, in terms of specific tasks, to reach this goal?

This involves breaking down your goal into smaller, manageable pieces. Think of these as the stepping stones that will lead you to your destination. To achieve your goal, you must identify the specific objectives or strategies required. In simple terms, you need to answer the question: What tasks do I need to complete to reach my goal?

Imagine you’re building a complex puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle represents a task or objective necessary to achieve your goal. By clearly defining these objectives, you create a roadmap that outlines the actions you need to take. This plan serves as a blueprint for your journey, making your overarching goal feel more attainable.

Moreover, designing an objective plan helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed. It breaks down a seemingly insurmountable goal into smaller, digestible components. It allows you to focus on one task at a time, making the journey less daunting and more manageable. Ultimately, a well-designed plan ensures that you stay on track and steadily progress toward the realization of your goal.

3. Determine the person or persons responsible to perform each task.

In your pursuit of achieving your goal, you’ll rarely be alone. Most goals require collaboration and assistance from others. After outlining your objective plan, the next step is to identify the individuals who will be responsible for performing each task. These are the people who will help you piece together the puzzle of your goal.

In a team sport like soccer, each player has a specific role and responsibility on the field, contributing to the team’s overall success. Similarly, assigning tasks to the right individuals ensures that everyone plays their part in achieving the goal. It’s essential to recognize the strengths and expertise of each person involved, as this enables you to allocate tasks effectively.

Additionally, identifying resource people is crucial. These are individuals who possess the knowledge, skills, or resources that can support your journey. They might serve as mentors, advisors, or experts in the field. Their guidance and support can be invaluable in navigating challenges and making informed decisions along the way.

In summary, determining the people responsible for each task and identifying resource individuals enhances the process of writing goals by fostering collaboration and leveraging the strengths of those around you.

4. Time activate each task.

To transform your goal from a mere idea into a concrete achievement, it’s essential to establish a timeline for each task within your objective plan. Timing is everything, and setting deadlines provides a sense of urgency and structure to your journey.

Think of writing goals as a series of interconnected events. Each task represents a crucial step in this sequence. Just as a musician follows a musical score with specific notes played at precise moments, your goal also requires a rhythm. Time activation involves determining when each task must be completed to stay on track.

Consider a student preparing for final exams. To succeed, they must allocate specific time slots for studying different subjects, ensuring they cover all the material before the exams. Without a timeline, procrastination and lack of focus can hinder progress. Setting deadlines not only keeps you accountable but also helps you allocate your time efficiently.

Moreover, time activation helps you identify potential bottlenecks or areas where you might need to allocate more time and resources. It allows you to balance your efforts and prioritize tasks effectively. By synchronizing your actions with a well-structured timeline, you increase the likelihood of achieving your goal within the desired timeframe.

5. Evaluation. 

How is it going? Do you need to adjust your plan?  What have you learned from the proposed plan of action?

Once you’ve embarked on your journey towards your goal, it’s crucial to periodically evaluate your progress. Evaluation is like a checkpoint on your road trip, where you assess how far you’ve come, what you’ve learned along the way, and whether any adjustments to your plan are necessary.

Imagine you’re a chef preparing a gourmet meal. Throughout the cooking process, you taste your dishes, adjusting the seasoning and flavors as needed to create a perfect culinary masterpiece. Similarly, achieving your goals requires continuous assessment and adaptation. This step allows you to refine your approach, make informed decisions, and stay aligned with your overarching goal.

Evaluation serves as a valuable learning opportunity. It helps you identify what’s working well and what needs improvement. Celebrate your achievements and milestones, no matter how small they may seem, and use any setbacks or challenges as stepping stones for growth. Remember that it’s okay to modify your plan if circumstances change or if you discover more effective strategies.

Ultimately, the evaluation step is about staying agile and responsive to the dynamic nature of life. By regularly assessing your progress and reflecting on your journey, you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure you stay on course toward the realization of your goal. It’s a continuous process that keeps you engaged, motivated, and committed to your aspirations.

After you have designed the specific plan of action, you are commis­sioned to PUT THE PLAN INTO ACTION!! Many people fall short right there.  They know what they want.  They design a great plan. But, they never expend the energies necessary to move from writing goals into action.

We put the plan into action, and constantly evaluate our progress.  At the end of the year, you will be constantly amazed and overjoyed to find, upon final evaluation, that most of those goals have been accom­plished.