
Former MLB pitcher Curt Schilling endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments as treatment for cancer.

In June, the World Series-winning player revealed his remission, but stayed mum on other pertinent details. Two months later, he announced that it is oral cancer and says he blames the diagnosis on his 30 years of chewing tobacco.

The former Boston Red Sox player said recently that back in June he didn’t want pity or to enter the chewing tobacco debate, so he refrained from mentioning the type of cancer for which he was treated.

In a recent article, Mary Otto @mottomatic, a Washington, D.C.-based freelancer, said: “The ties between smokeless tobacco and baseball run deep. The immortal Babe Ruth claimed Pinch Hit was his chew of choice (as this short film from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds us).”

How does the dental industry weigh in?tlhpstuartprogram08212014 (2)

The Lucy Hobbs Project™ powered by Benco Dental, in conjunction with the Tri-County Dental Hygienists Association will offer “Educate to Optimize Oral Health” November 14 in Stuart, Florida.

Time will be spent learning how to do a self-extra oral intra oral exam as well as chair side screening for the prevention of late stage oral cancer. Then the education will be put into action as the team  provides free oral abnormality screenings to the community at The Women’s Club, 729 Ocean Blvd., in Stuart from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

For details visit lucyhobbsproject.com or call 561-358-7660