A new website, www.YourSmileBecomesYou.com, is part of an initiative by The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) to help educate consumers about cosmetic dentistry, encourage them to improve their smiles and raise awareness of the importance of seeking out an AACD accredited dentist for treatment, according to Dental Tribune America.

A few highlights of the website:

  • What Does Your Smile Say About You? – A personalized smile analysis tool that uses Facebook to determine what your smile says about your personality.
  • A Share Your Smile gallery – A photo gallery where users can upload their smile personality and view the personalities of other users that have also used the analyzer.
  • “Your Smile IQ” Quiz – A step-by-step quiz to help consumers determine the procedures that could improve their smiles.
  • Explore Cosmetic Procedures – An educational section with consumer-friendly videos showcasing cosmetic dentistry procedures available to patients, such as bonding, veneers and whitening.

For the full story: https://www.dental-tribune.com/articles/news/usa/18356_aacd_launches_your_smile_becomes_you_website.html