CAPTION: Participants at the start of the 2013 Vision Walk in Virgina.

Gilda Solomon, co-chair of the 3rd Annual Hampton Roads 5K VisionWalk planned for April 27 in Virginia, said the mission of the walk is to create awareness and raise funds for the Foundation Fighting Blindness.

She and her husband, Chesapeake dentist Albert P. Solomon, DDS, have been involved with the foundation for several years.

Its goals: to prevent, treat and cure vision-robbing diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration and related conditions.

“Albert participated in the walk last year,” she added.

This weekend’s walk, organized by the volunteers in the market, is led by Debra Laughlin and Solomon.

Find out more about the Foundation Fighting Blindness at: and details about VisionWalk fundraisers in Virginia.