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A Feb. 4 press event launched the FDA‘s first national youth tobacco prevention campaign, “The Real Cost.” According to, the administration’s first youth tobacco prevention campaign targets at-risk youth aged 12-17 who are open to smoking or already experimenting with cigarettes. About 10 million youth in the United States currently fall into this category.

Yellow teeth and gum disease caused by smoking as illustrated in the FDA's "The Real Cost Campaign."

Yellow teeth and gum disease caused by smoking as illustrated in the FDA’s “The Real Cost Campaign.”

The campaign, which launched nationally Feb. 11 across multiple media platforms including TV, radio, print and online, will will continue to air in more than 200 markets across the country for at least one year. The video shown here features a young boy who walks into a store, places a few dollars on the counter, and asks for a pack of cigarettes. When the cashier tells him the money is not enough, the boy pauses, takes out a pair of pliers, and yanks out his tooth to complete the payment.

An article by DrBicuspid’s Contributing Editor Rabia Mughal takes an in-depth look at how the antismoking campaign shows graphic oral health ‘costs’